Baatezu and the Priesthood of Hextor

The priesthood of Hextor is the pre-eminent Lawful Evil one in Aerdy, and one might expect that they would be involved in many dealings with the equally Lawful Evil baatezu. However, matters are not so simple. Hextor himself has his own dwelling on Acheron, not in the Nine Hells. Further, priests of Hextor cannot use the gate spell. Thus, the alliance is not so firm.

Indeed, there is sometimes a rivalry between the two—and sometimes an alliance. Matters can depend upon the attitude of the patriarch-general of the time, and the baatezu being dealt with. A senior priest of Hextor might deal amicably enough with a lesser baatezu, but if confronted by an arrogant pit fiend the priest could have an entirely different view.

The one instance of real note in which Hextor's priest hood and the baatezu have co-operated is in the creation of animuses; see the following chapter on Rauxes.


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