Bamadar Kadarel, Dwarf of Renown

AC 910 (dwarf-size plate mail + 2, rarely worn; Dex 15 MV 9; F8; hp 80; THACQ 13; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld8 + 7 (battle axe +3, +5 vs. goblinoids Str 18/82, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 17, Wis 9, Cha 13; AL LG.

Magical items: plate mail +2, battle axe +3, +5 vs. goblinoids, bowl commanding water ele- mentals.

Bamadar is in the prime of life at 154 years of age. He is 4’ 4”, weighs 225 Ibs., and has black wavy hair, a fine glossy black beard, and brown eyes. He wears a gold earring in his right ear, a thick gold bracelet, and is well dressed, almost flamboyantly so for a dwarf, with a thick purple cloak and fine leather britches.

Bamadar travels to and from Greyhawk City, Hardby, and Safeton, spending the most time in Greyhawk itself. He makes some money using his magical bowl to provide protection for vessels sailing the Selintan and upper Woolly Bay, but his travels have another purpose.

Bamadar is on the lookout for fighters (especially) and other adventurers who might be interested in earning good gold in the Principality of Ulek or Irongate. He knows Rourk Splinterstone and the rulers of both the walled city and the Principality, and is on a retainer from both of them (plus commission) for finding strong, capable adventurers willing to travel and listen to job offers, be they escort duties, strikes against enemies, or more speculative ventures


Bamadar is an excellent conduit for any DM to shoehorn PCs into adventures in Irongate (and possibly Sunndi), the Principality of Ulek, or the Pomarj.

Bamadar likes to play the role of the stereotypical dwarf to the fullest. He can hold his ale, he feigns greed for gold, he can do an excellent impression of the “doughty dwarf“ very readily (and he fought at the Battle of Celene Pass). But he is extrmely intelligent, and he likes people who express doubt at his stereotypical man ner. Bamadar will usually test PCs out by giving them small-scale commissions (escorting ships, merchants, etc.) to see how they fare with adversity, and if he deems them good enough, he will then mention other possibilities. He’s careful, smart, and does not give his trust very readily.


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