
Baranford stands along the Royal Highway, covering a highly strategic ford on the Velverdyva River. The Velverdyva ford is closed only in the spring, when seasonal flooding raises the river too high.

This town of 2,000 folk is a trading center where Highfolk often meet Furyondian military men. The garrison of the town includes 200 militia troops, 50 of whom are “advisors” in the service of Belvor. Baranford is a vital distribution center for the gold from the Carnalion mines. Merchants gather here at the source of wealth. These even include a few Perrenland merchants found here from time to time. Baranford is also a major meeting place for adventurers heading for the valley of the Velverdyva or seeking fame, fortune or an early grave in the Yatils or Clatspurs. Around ten percent of Baranford’s population is elvish, including both high and sylvan elves. Small temples to Corellon Larethian and Solonor Thelandira can be found here.

Baranford’s King’s Riders, an elite heavy cavalry unit, patrol the Royal Highway for much of its length to Chendl. Every eight miles or so along the road is a small watch station with stabling facilities, a blacksmith for running repairs, and a wayside tavern.


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