
Primary Attribute: ...............................Intellect (INT)

Secondary Attribute: ...................Bardic Voice (BV)

Beggars are, in many cultures, true professionals

who first chose Masteries in Begging and Conning. They may also be masters at Disguise because their very specialised trade involves faking physical deformities and assuming various pitiful guises to arouse pity and the bestowing of alms. In fact, Beggars starting with a large number of mastery slots may choose skills like Costume & Design or Stage Performance to polish their act.

The Beggar unabashedly practises his trade in the open. Indeed, he depends on being seen (and pitied). All this is not to say that the Beggar will not acquire skills appropriate to a proper thief. He will likely be able to pick pockets, cut purses, etc., but it is less likely that he will specialise in them as Mastery skills.


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