
While not every version of a binding spell is permanent, they all last at least months if not years. With a bit of creative work, you can use this spell to create the most effective of guardian creatures, not to mention a horrifying self-destruct device for the stronghold.

Table 2–15: NPC Binding Costs

Example Creature Wiz15 Cost Sor16 Cost
Astral deva 9,230 gp 9,310 gp
Avoral guardinal 7,110 gp 7,190 gp
Barbazu 5,360 gp 5,440 gp
Celestial dire bear 8,360 gp 8,440 gp
Celestial dire lion 6,200 gp 6,280 gp
Celestial unicorn 4,360 gp 4,440 gp
Chaos beast 6,360 gp 6,440 gp
Chaos beast 6,360 gp 6,440 gp
Cornugon 8,360 gp 8,440 gp
Djinni 7.110 gp 7,190 gp
Elemental, Medium-size 4,200 gp 4,280 gp
Elemental, Large 6,360 gp 6,440 gp
Elemental, Huge 10,610 gp 10,690 gp
Elemental, greater 13,400 gp 13,480 gp
Elemental, elder 15,230 gp 15,310 gp
Fiendish dire tiger 10,610 gp 10,690 gp
Fiendish dire wolverine 4,700 gp 4,780 gp
Fiendish giant squid 8,900 gp 8,980 gp
Fiendish girallon 5,700 gp 5,780 gp
Fiendish griffon 5,700 gp 5,780 gp
Formian taskmaster 5,900 gp 5,980 gp
Formian warrior 4,200 gp 4,280 gp
Gelugon 9,230 gp 9,310 gp
Ghaele eladrin 8,230 gp 8,310 gp
Hamatula 7,110 gp 7,190 gp
Hellcat 5,860 gp 5,940 gp
Hound archon 5,200 gp 5,280 gp
Invisible stalker 6,610 gp 6,690 gp
Kyton 6,360 gp 6,440 gp
Salamander, average 5,700 gp 5,780 gp
Salamander, noble 10,400 gp 10,480 gp
Shadow mastiff 4,700 gp 4,780 gp
Slaad, blue 6,610 gp 6,690 gp
Slaad, red 5,860 gp 5,940 gp
Tojanida, adult 5,700 gp 5,780 gp
Vrock 7,230 gp 7,310 gp
Xorn, elder 10,110 gp 10,190 gp

By binding a powerful monster to the roof of your stronghold, you send a warning to all around you that you are not to be trifled with. Who wants to mess with someone who literally has a dragon chained to the top of his tower?

Similarly, you can bind creatures in sensitive areas, programming the spell to break if someone entering the area doesn’t supply the password. This works fine with chained or slumbering creatures, especially if you want their very presence to scare off interlopers. You can use the metamorphosis or minimus containment versions of the spell if you want to catch the intruders by surprise instead.

Don’t forget, though, that bound creatures aren’t likely to be too happy with you once they get free. You should be ready to handle them—or you should be long gone once they get out.

This can also provide a method of ensuring that, should your stronghold fall to invaders, they won’t get the chance to enjoy it. Simply bind a powerful creature in a secret area of your place. The minimus containment works best for this, since it shrinks the target to a manageable size, removes its need for sustenance, and is permanent until you decide to break the spell. Set up a trigger for the spell’s dismissal as desired: perhaps merely the entry of anyone but yourself into the bound creature’s area. Secure the room with arcane lock and warn the residents to keep out. When an unwary intruder breaks into the chamber hoping for a treasure hoard, the surprise is worth the price, even if you’re no longer around to appreciate it.

Unless you have pacified the target creature beforehand, NPC spellcasters charge more to provide a creature for binding. Costs to have binding performed by an NPC spellcaster are shown on Table 2–15: NPC Binding Costs.

Casting: Cost varies by creature bound; see table for sample creatures.


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