Black Gate

The Black Gate separates the Old City from the New. More significantly, it separates those who have wealtll and power from those who do not. Consequently it is manned by an elite patrol, with a standard patrol always stationed in the gate house.

The Black Gate is closed two hours after sunset and remains closed until an hour before dawn. When the gate is opened, the roster is diligently main tained, and the guards keep a sharp lookout for fugitives. The Thieves· Guild also maintains a constant surveillance of the Black Gate, from a discreet location in a second-floor apartment Just inside the Thieves' Quarter.

Black Gate: This gate is more heavily guarded than the Garden Gate, with an elite and standard patrol present. In addition, the Thieves’ Guild maintains careful surveillance over this gate, noting who comes and goes as a way of protecting what the guild percetves as its own part of town. The Thieves’ Guild watches other gates but not continuously.


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