Blain Wintergard Retired Gladiator

Blain is 53 years old, 5' 11" tall and 220 lbs. He is balding, and his face is a mass of scars acquired during his many years earning a respectable living in The Pit. The years have not been kind to Blain, and the situation has been exacerbated by his increasing dependence on alcohol. Blain is still strong and relatively agile, yet he tires easily and his mind is too often fuddled by strong drink for him to keep his concentration on one thing for long.

Once a champion gladiator and monster-fighter at the Pit, Blain now roams the taverns of the the River and Foreign Quarters. He made some money during his gladiatorial career, but his savings have now practically run dry. Blain has many fond memories of his years as a professional fighter. He yearns for the applause and the acclamation that used to be his, and to forget about that yearning, he all too often turns to drink. His drinking is becoming more and more of a problem, with what little cash he has left disappearing rapidly into the pockets of numerous inn and tavemkeepers. Blain will often be encountered at the Barge Inn cheering on competing arm wrestlers and reminiscing about the old days at the Pit.

Blain has been forced to pawn his net of entrapment and his spear + 3, both relics of his bygone days as a gladiator. Blain was desperately sorry to see them go and longs to get his hands on them again. Luckily, the pawnbroker in question is a close friend of Blain 's who was happy to give him a good price for them and keeps them safe should he ever manage to somehow raise the money to buy them back.

Blain will do anything to get his old equipment back. While not much good as a fighter due to his advanced years, his knowledge of the fighting art is practically second to none within the Free City. He will willingly train fighter characters, although his drinking habit may need curing a little first.

AC 8 (Dex 16 MV 9; F8; hp 65; THAC0 12/11; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d6 +1 (makeshift club Str 17, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 14; AL LN.


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