
Braycott has suffered appalling massacres during and since the wars. Over a thousand fine Tenha cavalry were based here, travelling the length of The Gallop to Redspan, protecting the border with the old Bandit Kingdoms and anchoring the western margin of the Gleaming Spires. Many escaped to Urnst, but several hundred fought a pitched battle with the Fists as they swept upon Redspan and, for once, inflicted significant casualties on them. As a result, over three-quarters of the original 16,000 people here were butchered. Iuz's priests quietly managed to ship hundreds away for animating as undead troops in the Bandit Lands. Fists occupy this city and prowl the upper Phostwood from it, although such ventures are random at best. They also fend off attacks from free bandits there and in the Bandit Lands, using fine Tenh horses which survived the carnage of battle.


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