Brazier of Aura Revealing - Evil

When lit, this massive (5-foot-wide) brazier outlines any evil creature within 60 feet in a faint greasy, gray illumination. If such a creature remains in the area for more than 2 rounds, the strength of its aura (dim, faint, moderate, strong, or overwhelming, as per the detect evil spell in the Player’s Handbook) becomes apparent to all who can see the creature.

This item can’t reveal creatures who aren’t visible (whether by concealment, cover, or sheer invisibility), though anyone within 60 feet of the brazier can sense the presence (and direction) of the evil creature, though not its exact location.

If the evil power is “overwhelming” and twice the character level of a good-aligned viewer, the viewer is stunned for 1 round. This can actually make having such a brazier around a liability if some truly nasty things invade your stronghold. Of course, if the creature entering is that powerfully evil, anyone who overwhelmed by its presence probably wouldn’t be much good against it anyhow. It’s up to you to gauge the risk-benefit ratio for installing such an item.

See detect evil in the Player’s Handbook for details on aura strength and how long an aura lingers.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, detect evil; Market Price: 3,000 gp.


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