Brazier of Bright Bursts

While lit, this massive brazier (5 feet wide) can cause the fireworks version of pyrotechnics with but a word from its user. All those who can see the brazier, who are within 120 feet of it, and who fail to make a Will save (DC 13) are blinded by the fireworks blasting out of the brazier. This effect lasts 1d4+1 rounds. Those who know that the brazier’s power is about to be activated gain a +10 circumstance bonus on their saving throws against this effect.

Many guardhouses keep a brazier of bright bursts nearby, for two key purposes. First and most obvious, guards can use it to blind intruders, and it works against all of them within range, no matter the number. This can give the guards valuable, needed time to shut the gates and secure the stronghold.

Second, the fireworks serve as a signal to everyone else in the castle of brewing trouble. The fireworks make a great deal of noise as well as light. Anyone within 200 feet of the brazier can hear this easily. Reduce the distance by 10 feet for each interposing closed door and by 20 feet for each interposing substantial wall. In quiet conditions, the blasts can be heard 300 feet away.

The fire in the brazier is not itself magical, although the brazier is. The fire is extinguished by the activation of the brazier. Relighting a brazier of bright bursts requires a full action, assuming there sufficient fuel exist.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, pyrotechnics; Market Price: 6,000 gp.


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