Bronzeblood Haunt

Furyondy is a civilized and settled land. It has few dark ruins, lich’s lairs, secret evil temples, monster infested dungeons and the like. Bronzeblood Haunt is an exception to all of that. No one lives, or usually even travels, within a good three miles of this place. A watchtower with 25 troops and ld4 priests maintains a constant vigil from a safe distance.

Far in Furyondy’s past, a tyrannical minor noble of infamous evil ruled the lands around the ruined castle, which is still crumbling into the ground. His punishment for all but the most trivial crimes was death by torture. Rumors began to fly, telling of blood cults and vampires. When Thrommel I came to the throne and heard of the noble's doings he dispatched a powerful force to raze the castle and execute this monster. The castle was demolished, but its depraved noble master fled and was never captured.

Few today even remember the man’s name, but from time to time the grove of bronzewood trees which grows here flush red, as if with blood. Unnatural mists cover the castle ruins in autumn. The ruins still radiate magic and evil, and no one has ever claimed to have fully explored the many basements and dungeons below it.


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