C13: City Watch Station

This is the Clerkburg outpost of the City Watch. See Ch2 FFF for details of its staff.

C13: Clerkburg City Watch Station. Of all the City Watch stations, duty in Clerkburg is considered lightest. Except for drunken students and sports-related clashes, there isn’t much for those in the Watch station to do except worry about the City Mint (which doesn’t require much worty, given its massive defenses), The Artisans’ Quarter nearby is also quiet. Some food poisonings have cropped up in the mills, but those could be accidental. The Watch here isn’t worried about much except gambling on sports events.

DM’s Notes: The Watch is unaware that one of the smaller “intellectual” fraternities in this quarter has begun investigating the worship of Vecna, and one student, Rino Hormozi, has become a Ist-level priest of Vecna, able to cast spells [NE hm Cl; hp 3; Wis 17]. This fraternity, unfortunately, is immediately across the street from the Watch station, and the sacrifice of a Watchman or two is being contemplated.


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