C16: Guild Station of the Nightwatchmen

This guild house is typical of those described in Ch2 FFF.

C16: Nightwatchmen’s Guildstation. The Nightwatchmen here grumble among themselves that what the wilder students need is a good beating, which probably wouldn't hurt ‘the other students, either. These Nightwatchmen are devoted followers of St. Cuthbert and are direct in trying to “straighten out” the students. While the City Watch here bets on sports games, the Nightwatchmen preach to those they see in this area at night, and give any obnoxious student drunks a good drubbing. The large guildstation has a small, student-run chapel to St. Cuthbert inside. The Nightwatchmen rarely see crime here, but plenty of (in their opinion) immorality.

DM's Notes: A power struggle of sorts is going on between the University of the Flanaess and the followers of St. Cuthbert in this area, especially in the Nightwatchmen. The university's desperate financial straits have the religious order wondering if it should step in and fund the school — for a price. The order would be able to dictate academic offerings in return, essentially turning the institution into a religious school. (The fine arts would be right out, of course, and religious history would be taught instead of Flanaess history. However, other practical classes would be retained and even expanded, with a military training course added.) The chancellor, Selincross, knows if more funding isn’t found, the school won't be able to pay its taxes, and that will be the end of it. The offer from the Cuthbertines would restrict academic freedom, but it would pour huge amounts of money into the school, and the order isn’t a bad choice (rigid, intolerant, and prone to violence, but not bad). Selincross is herself a follower of Rao and has been very lonely since her husband, a merchant, ran off with his young scribe five years ago.


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