C18: Gnarlyhouse

This historic house predates the wall of the new city. It was named after the massive stump of an oak. now long gone, that stood before it. It has served at various times as an inn. a brothel, and a school house.

Now it contains the largest and most notorious of the independent student fraternities that have formed throughout Clerkburg. Its members refer to them selves simply as the "Gnarlys." The once-grand old house is a wreck, with windows boarded up, skeletal remnants of furniture piled in the yard, and weeds sprouting everywhere. There is a 75% chance, day or night. that 1d8 + 1 members are lounging on the porch and automatically harass women, or small groups of unarmed men.

They are led by a young tough named Horst Manual (F3). and number some 25 young men. They fist-fight, wrestle, and brawl as 1st-level fighters, but if real weapons are involved they are treated as level 0.

The Gnarlys drink to excess. harass women. host loud parties that last well into the dawn. and generally make a nuisance of themselves. Some of them are no longer students. while most attend the more lax tutorial schools in Clerkburg. If you roll up one of these toughs, take a few points off of Int and Wis and put them into Str. and Con.

C18: Gnarleyhouse. The stone foundation of this large, three-story house dates back centuries, but the building has been rebuilt several times after nasty fires. Gnarleyhouse was named for an oak that stood before it (now a stump it was once a well-known inn, then a brothel, and is now a fraternity house. The “Gnarleys” make up the largest independent fraternity in the city, about 35 young men with a tradition of disrespect for authority and cleanliness, alcohol abuse, and combativeness. Its members usually go on to join the Greyhawk Militia or become minor tradesmen. Their most famous member is Horst Manual ([N hm FS; hp 41; Str 17], a young tough who fought in the Greyhawk Wars in Furyondy and is now a war hero. Horst is also Clerkburg’s elected member on the Public Council of Greyhawk (refer to that section under “The Government of Greyhawk”).

DM's Notes: The Gnarleys present a low-level threat to anyone within a block of their house. They dislike nonhumans, abuse other students, and steal whatever they can. The current “lord of the Gnarleys” is Xarden the Ox [NE hm F1; hp 6; Str 17, Wis 5], a huge fellow taking classes in music when he is sober.


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