C19: “Students’ Quarter.”

The triangular group of streets and buildings between Eastwall Street and College Road is often called the Students’ Quarter, for the large number of boarding houses here. Several hundred students live in this miniature village, which has its own food vendors, laundry services, and so forth. The students are generally hostile toward the Nightwatchmen on the low hill above them (C16), feeling the guards are an intrusive presence at night. This area is fairly safe by any standards, except for trouble with the Gnarleys (C18).

From Adventure Begins

DM’s Notes: A student here discovered an entrance into the sewers of the city a few years ago in the cellar of his building. Occasionally, groups of lightly armed students will venture into the sewers in imitation of actual adventurers in dungeons. Once in a while they discover something unpleasant, and no one later knows where the students went, as other students keep the secret of the tunnels so well.


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