C3: The Old Mill

This quaint structure is a relic of bygone Greyhawk, but still serves in its time-honored role. If anything, it is more important now than ever.

For this is the only functioning mill in the Free City. It is fed constantly by teams of six millers at a time, and is one of the few workshops in the city that op erates around the clock. It has nothing really to do with the other business of Clerkburg, but remains here because this is where it has always been.

The mill is owned and run by Lord Wheatsmill, a descendent of the original owner. Of course, the lord now lives in the High Quarter and leaves the day-to-day operation of his business to underlings.

C3: Old Mill. The stone foundation of the Old Mill is about five centuries old, dating back to Greyhawk’s earliest days. The mill has been damaged and rebuilt several times, but it has operated almost continuously apart from these interruptions. This.is the more important of two mills in the city and runs around the clock, operated by six millers at a time in eight-hour shifts. The Old Mill gave the Millstream its name.

The mill is owned by an elderly descendant of the original owner, Lord Wheatsmill [IN hm zero-level; hp 3], who lives in the High Quarter on a small estate. He has little contact with the mill, instead leaving its operations to an underling, Brenja Longbaker [LG #f 0-level; hp 2]. Brenja, an immigrant from Elmshire, has run the mill for almost 20 years.

DM's Notes: The Guild of Bakers and Cooks is trying to work out problems associated with a vast increase in business brought about by the rapid rise in Greyhawk’s population during and after the Greyhawk Wats. The Old Mill might have a new wing added on in the near future, or the New Mill College (C8) might similarly be enlarged. Someone has recently tried to sabotage operations here, too, by introducing pests into the grain supplies. Millers, bakers, and cooks are anxious about the future. If bread production falls, food riots are feared in the city. Lord Wheatsmill has not been very helpful, and he is very unpopular.


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