C4: The Black Dragon Inn

This is the largest inn in Clerkburg, offering 60 rooms for rent as well as good food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and all night long, for that matter. The Black Dragon Inn also has a large common sleeping room, where a traveler can rent a straw pallet, together with is supper and a pitcher of ale, for 2 sp. A good private room can be had for 5 sp, and the inn offers several comparatively luxurious suites for 1 to 2 gp.

A small stable is located behind the inn, with stalls for a dozen steeds and a courtyard large enough to hold several carriages. The inn employs many young men and women, mostly students, during the full 24 hours of the day. At any one time there might be two stable hands, four cooks, three bartenders, 10 or 12 serving maids, four bouncers (3rd-level fighters), and four housekeepers here.

The proprietor of the Black Dragon Inn is Miklos Dare, a retired adventurer who loves to share stories of his experiences with interested listeners. A great red- bearded bear of a man, with a peg leg and numerous scars, Miklos is affable but assertive in maintaining his establishment.

Miklos knows many of the secrets of the city and its environs. For characters who ply him with ale, and listen attentively to his tales, he is 50% likely to share one of the rumors from the rumor table (page 94). He will not provide a PC with more than 1-3 rumors over the course of a year, however.

C4: Black Dragon Inn. The largest inn in Clerkburg is the Black Dragon, a three-story building offering 60 rooms for rent. The inn employs students as bouncers, maids, bartenders, and housekeepers; bouncers must be warrior-trained. The proprietor is the huge, bearlike Miklos Dare [LG hm F4; hp 26; Str 16, Cha 15]. Miklos, a retired adventurer, knows many rumors about the city and its long-time inhabitants, a few of which he will share with anyone who gives him ale and listens to his adventuring stories.

DM's Notes: Miklos knows a few rumors he should not discuss openly. Some concern members of the Directing Oligarchy, revealing the actual links that several Directors have to the Thieves’ Guild, and what sort of background plots they have hatched to better their positions. Characters who repeat these particular rumors to the wrong people can get themselves (and Miklos) into hot water.


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