
Camazotz is the Olman god of bats and evil. As Zotzilaha, he is the god of vampires and the underworld. His symbol is a giant bat.   Camazotz manifests as a great bat surrounded by a dark cloud made up of a thousand normal bats. He is a dual-aspected god, like many of the deities worshipped by the Olman people; he is a ravenous drinker of blood and spreader of rabies, but he is also a benign predator of harmful insects.   Like the rest of his pantheon, Camazotz dwells on a parallel Material Plane, where he is said to have come from the stars.   Camazotz is worshipped by many Olman and Olman-descended werebats. He is particularly popular in the nation of Telaneteculi, whose leader is a unique bat-vampire.   Priests of Camazotz delight in inspiring terror, though they also play a role protecting people from crop-destroying insects. They sometimes kidnap and sacrifice political enemies under the cover of darkness. They wear leather helms and leather armor. Their color is saffron. As with most Olman priests, priests of Camazotz must choose a direction to pray to at the beginning of their careers. Clerics of the east wear red, clerics of the south wear yellow, clerics of the west wear black, and clerics of the north wear white.   Camazotz is worshipped in temples and caves, which may be guarded by bats, vampires, or creatures of the Elemental Plane of Water such as nereids and water weirds.   Every time Luna reaches its quarter phase, the public is forced to watch as priests of Camazotz sacrifice insects (often using insect plague spells) to appease their deity.


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