Caprica Molara

Caprica is a woman one wouldn't look twice at in a crowd, except to note her muscular build. She is 33, stands 5'7" tall, weighs 138 lbs., has plain brown hair and brown eyes, and a tanned skin. She has been in Greyhawk but three years, having been one of the last to flee the Shield Lands when the last remnants of that area fell to the bandits and humanoids. It is this background which ensured that Turin would sympathetically receive her application to join the guild. Caprica has always hoarded, and bartered for. magical items which increase her mobility, which accounts for her possession of most of the enchanted accessories listed above.

Vesper has warned Turin about Caprica, to no avail; anyone who hates humanoids as much as Caprica does is all right by Turin. The elf's reservations came from the use of a know alignment spell, which told him that there was something badly wrong with Caprica, although he could not identify exactly what. In fact, in addition to the fact that Caprica is neutral evil, she is also insane, an insidious and slow-acting legacy of seeing a symbol of insanity cast by a mage in the army of the Horned Society.

Caprica suffers from a split personality, both her "halves" being evil. Her dominant side is sociable and rational (she is wily and cunning but knows the need for cultivating friends and contacts), but her darker personality is a homicidal maniac possessed of vicious cunning and extreme brutality. The maniac has already indulged in the gratuitous slaughter of several people in the dock areas and many street urchins in the River and Slum Quarters. Her dominant side is aware of her other personality (although the recognition does not work in the other direction however, Caprica is too terrified to discuss the problem with anyone.

To make matters worse, her second self has become involved with the Cult of the Shriven Sickle (detailed later in this chapter). This makes dealing with Caprica extremely dangerous. When she changes personalities-an event which is totally unpredictable, but usually doesn't happen more than once a week-her second self takes over for 13-24 (1d12 + 12) hours, plus an additional hour of transition from one personality to the other, during which she is in a very docile, almost trancelike state.

Caprica lives in humble lodgings in the Thieves ยท Quarter (location T17) and ap pears to be an adventurer living off past gains. She is fairly easily found in a variety of shady dives in the Slum, Thieves', and River Quarters , sometimes with a coterie of evil hangers-on, more rarely with Turin.

AC 0 (chain mail + 2 and Dex 17): MV 12; Fl0; hp 62; THAC0 10/8; #Kr 3/2 or special; Dmg ld6 +6 (footman's flail + 2) or ld8 + 7 or more (long sword +4 of dancing Str 18(23), Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 12; AL NE.

Magical items: chain mail + 2, footman's flail +2, long sword +4 of dancing, boots of levitation, rope of climbing, ring of free action, ring of invisibility, and two scrolls of protection from traps (all).


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