Cargo Gate

This is the other large gate leading into and out of the city. In its dimensions, and the diligence of its guards, it resembles the Highway Gate.

The Cargo Gate is the busiest of the Free City's portals, bustling at all hours of the day and night with freight wagons, pack trains, porters, and carts of goods from the wharf to the city and vice versa. Every manner of goods brought to Greyhawk by boat enters the city through the Cargo Gate.

Like the Highway Gate, the Cargo Gate remains open both day and night, and is guarded by a double elite patrol of the City Watch, together with the standard gate house garrison.

Cargo Gate: Cargo Gate is not as fancy as Highway Gate, but it is even busier, with foot and cart traffic passing through it at all hours of the day and night from the numerous docks lining the west bank of the Selintan. Almost every item entering the city from the river (save for a few smuggled items going through other gates) passes through here. Two elite Watch patrols and one standard patrol guard this large gate. Some spies from the Thieves’ Guild are usually present, too.


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