
A small fishing village of 490 people, Carnakh is notable for two reasons. First, the Peltander family who owns most of the land and buildings here (with most of the locals being virtually their serfs) have a history of producing extraordinarily powerful fighting men-any Peltander male has a minimum Str of 17; females have minimum of 16. The Peltanders are enthusiastic supporters of Greyhawk, and this village supplies Hardby Marine vessels with free fish, bread, and beer when they are in port. Two Peltanders are aboard war galleys, one the second mate to Wilbrem Carister himself.

Second, a white stone tower overlooking the entry to the port is the home of Chaine Zerenth, an eccentric wizard known to be fond of polymorphing into a seagull to fly about the town. Chaine receives strange visitors who arouse much gossip-Bakluni wizards, Nyrondese elves, even a group of Theocracy acolytes on one infamous occasion (they attempted to convert the entire town to the worship of Pholtus, with little success).


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