Carnalion Mines

The Carnalion Mines are located at the very tip of the Yatil Mountains. These vital mines provide virtually all of the gold reserves which Furyondy possesses. Revenues from them are divided in a very complex manner between the Reach, the crown, the barony of Littleberg and the Highfolk, according to an ancient agreement which Belvor constantly attempts to renegotiate in his favor.

The miners include small numbers of dwarves and gnomes among their 550 total, and a few prospectors venture west into the Yatils from the fringes of the settlement. The garrison here includes both heavy infantry and mountaineer specialists, and some of the troops and many of the miners are hillmen from the Yatil foothills who are not Furyondian subjects. They can be surly and rude, and are tolerated only because of their excellent knowledge of local terrain and surface, open-cast mining.

Very careful checks are made on miners and visitors to Carnalion by priests employing divination magic. Theft of gold is an Injurious Crime. Miners grumble at this, but they are also paid well. Excavated ore is smelted in above ground works, on the site, and the gold shipped to Baranford.

Monsters are relatively rare in the mines, but occasionally encounters with xorn, in particular, present a hazard which is met by keeping two mid-level mages with appropriate combat spells on duty at all times. These mages are also equipped with banishment scrolls for emergencies. Three foremen of the mine carry amulets with permanent protection from evil 10' radius spells to keep monsters at bay.


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