Castle Greylode

This forbidding castle stands on the outskirts of a complex of gravel and stone quarries, and a penal labor force here is administered harshly by 80 unusually tough, flinty militiamen. Being sent here is regarded as a sign of disfavor, and the soldiers take it out on the convicts. Criminals are sent here for offenses of fraud, embezzlement, treason and the like, and the regimen they serve is harsh. They work a l6 hour day, chained together in teams, cutting stone blocks and the moving and moving wagons of gravel along the road to Worlende. The work in the quarry is hard and dangerous, and the road to Worlende is a back breaking overland route.

The harshness of this place reflects the tough attitude of Jemian. Those sent here deserve all they get. There are few evil men in Furyondy, but a fair percentage may be found here, overseen by some of the most brutish members of the militia.


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