Castle Mastryne

This formidable, four-towered, stone castle is home to Lord Mastryne, a 15th-level NE fighter who has 50 men-at-arms and an unknown number of spellcasters within his walls. Mastryne gives allegiance to no one, and patrolling militias do not approach this gloomy piace, though they do spy within his lands. Mastryne is known, however, to have a powerful hatred of humanoids and he and his men (all clad in black plate mail) have been seen making forays into the buffer zone to attack them. Onone occaision, multiple flame strikes were seen to beset the unfortunate objects of his wrath, so Mastryne’s priests must be formidable men. Mastryne lays claim to lands in a 1.5-mile radius east of the Jewel river, and no one disputes his claim.


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