For a Cavalry Charge use Combat Tables for 1:20 to determine if a check is necessary; double for flank and/or rear attacks, i.e., 4 Heavy Foot must check if charged by 1 Heavy Horse (8 Heavy Foot must check if attacked in flank/rear.

Mounted Men: When fighting men afoot mounted men add +1 to their dice for melees and the men afoot must subtract -1 from their melee dice. Men may be unhorsed by footmen if they specifically,state this is their intent before dice are rolled. A score equal to a kill, with no subtraction for their being afoot, indicates a successful unhorsing. An unhorsed man is possibly stunned:

Die Score Result
1-2 Not stunned
3-5 Stunned 1 turn
6 Stunned 3 turns

Remounting requires one-half turn, as does voluntary dismounting.

Dismounted Cavalry

Certain types of cavalry units are capable of dismounting, so that the troops can fight as infantry. This tactic can be useful in dense woods or swamp—terrain prohibited to cavalry, but not infantry—and also when troops enter and fight in buildings (described in the advanced rules, Chapter 7). If a cavalry unit is capable of moving and fighting while dismounted, this fact must be noted on the unit roster for the scenario being played; if no such notation exists, then the unit cannot dismount.

Some of the characteristics of dismounted troops are different from the unit's normal (mounted) statistics. The following modifications apply to a dismounted unit:

AD is the same as the unit's mounted melee weapon—not its charge weapon, if the unit is equipped with one. For instance, the AD figure for a unit of mounted lancers is [12]8, indicating that it uses AD 12 (the lances) when charging, but changes to AD 8 (swords) for normal melee combat after the charge is completed. If the unit dismounts, it has AD 8.

AR and Hits are unchanged.

ML is reduced by 1.

MV for nonhuman troops is the same as for infantry of that creature type; for example, dismounted goblins move 6".

MV for human troops is assigned according to the unit's armor rating; humans of AR 3 or lower can move 6", those of AR 4-6 can move 9", and those of AR 7 or higher can move 12".

A mounted unit cannot move and then dismount in the same turn; dismounting must be done before the unit moves. A unit that begins its movement step by dismounting can move up to two-thirds of its dismounted movement allowance during that turn.

Dismounted troops should be represented by spare figures or counters, while the cavalry figures are kept on the table to represent the steeds. One of every four dismounted figures must remain with the steeds if the mounts are to be reused. If the mounts are to be abandoned, then the cavalry figures should be removed from the table as soon as the dismounted troops move away from them.

Steeds without riders cannot attack, and they suffer a -1 penalty to their ML for as long as they remain riderless.

Troops can remount (if their steeds are still available) whenever they begin their movement step in contact with the mounts. It requires one-third of a unit's mounted movement allowance to remount.


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