Cerenellyl’s Towers

On Furyondy’s northern border with Highfolk, covering the Royal Highway, stands an extraordinary, twin towered castle with much fine Vesve wood and glassteel incorporated into its stonework. This is the fortress of Cerenellyl, a Knight of the High Forest. The castle is garrisoned by 80 troops. These are Vesve woodsmen mixed with a few Highfolk high elves.

Cerenellyl appears to be an old warrior, slowly going blind with age. He is wise and influential (see “Characters and Forces”) and his advice is sought by many, including Knights of the Hart, Jemian, Belvor himself, even Velunese scholars who travel to meet him. Cerenellyl is also a spy for the Highfolk within Furyondy. Certainly the nations are allies, but the Highfolk feel more secure when they know what is in the minds and hearts of Furyondy’s rulers. Cerenellyl hears much from Knights of Furyondy, but he has his own agents and spies around the kingdom, especially in the North. Cerenellyl is said to know many tales, and even to possess treasure maps, detailing lost treasures in the Clatspurs and eastern Yatil Mountains. Many of those who join his constant stream of visitors are seeking this sort of knowledge.


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