Chamber of Weak-Mindedness

Anyone who enters this mist-filled stronghold space must make a Will save (DC 17) or fall victim to a mind fog spell. While the fog doesn’t significantly affect vision in the area, those who fall victim to its magical effects suffer a –10 competence penalty on all Wisdom checks and Will saves. This effect lasts while the target is in the chamber, as well as for another 2d6 rounds after she leaves.

Anyone who makes the original Will save once need not make another save against the chamber’s effects while she remains in the chamber. If she leaves and comes back in, though, she must make a new saving throw.

This magic item is best used in conjunction with other effects, such as inscriptions of urgency, or in the sanctum of a bard or enchanter.

Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, mind fog; Market Price: 22,500 gp.


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