
Cities have extensive bureaucracies, including the various branches, agencies, courts, and civil services necessary to keep things running smoothly. The chancellor stands at the head of each such operation: beholden to the mayor in terms of the running of the city, but otherwise serving as a functionary of the local government.

Alternate Title: Secretary.

Associated Class: Aristocrat or expert.

Chancellor/Lord High Chancellor

The chief or important minister to the king or high noble, could be responsible for finances or act as a presiding judge.

The Lord High Chancellor is entrusted with the day to day operations of the government. He is the absolute head of the civil service, answerable only to the lord himself. The only exception to this would be in cases where his actions might have to be cleared with the Lord High Chamberlain. The relationship between these two officials is close, if not always cordial.

Nearly every member of the lesser bureaucracy is under the direction of the Lord High Chancellor. His people organize tax collections, internal political relationships, and the posting and distribution of all royal decrees and proclamations.

Medievel Occupations and Titles


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