Charall Lantard, Priest of Oliddammara:

AC 5 (leather armor, Dex bonus Pr4; MV 12; THACO 18; Dmg 1d6 + 1 (broad sword) or 1d4 +special (poisoned light crossbow bolts AL CN; SZ M; ML 14.

Spells: command, cure light wounds (x3), protection from evil, hold person (x2), know alignment, slow poison. SD hide in shadows 10%.

Magical items: ring of free action, scroll with neutralize poison.

In the unlikely event that the PCs win, each NPC will have 1d10 + 10 gp per level of experience. The "poison" on arrows and bolts will paralyze a PC for 1d6+3 turns unless a saving throw versus poison is made.


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