Church Armies

A special mention must be made of armies maintained by certain churches and religious orders within Aerdy. This always has been a strong tradition with martial faiths (Heironeous, Hextor, etc.). Outside of Aerdy, it is seen in its strongest development in the Theocracy of the Pale, for centuries part of the Great Kingdom.

Such armies were paid for by tithes and taxes levied by priests, who were themselves landholders, especially in Medegia. Or they were paid for from monies given by other landholders to the church.

The independence of Nyrond, Urnst, and the Theocracy was pivotal, so far as Aerdy's religious warriors were concerned. Turmoil followed for decades between the crowns and the priesthoods of Heironeous and Pholtus to a lesser extent. The autonomy of the governments caused a great rush of exiles. Powerful men defected to the Theocracy, Urnst, Nyrond, and Almor, even to Furyondy, often taking their armies with them. This left the priest hood of Hextor in a position of unchallenged supremacy among the martial faiths.

There are now few church armies left intact in Aerdy—Medegian armies having been decimated by the overking's destruction of that land. Where they do exist, however, they are of superior quality and morale. Few of them are actually priests, paladins, or ardent followers of the faith. But they tend to have fair to good equipment, and they know that either combat magic or magical healing are routinely on hand, which helps their morale.


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