Claiming Land

Among adventurers and explorers, claiming land is a favorite means of setting up housekeeping. If the character or party are recognized as the first individuals ever to tame or explore a given region of the world, then they are free to claim it. If they are planning to establish their own country, the characters are free to claim the land for themselves. Of course, if someone else comes along and claims it as well (see claim jumping), then a battle may ensue. Hopefully, the characters are prepared for this and will be able to keep their attackers from defeating them.

If the players lack the resources or the desire to set up their own kingdom, they will want to claim the land in the name of the ruler they serve. By so doing, they are almost assured to receive a Royal Charter or land grant which lists them as the rightful rulers of the area. Kings and emperors will almost always look very favorably on those who work to expand their lands.


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