Clannair Blackshadow

Clannair is a renegade dark elf who fled from hts homeland after crossing a high priestess of Lolth. He is 5'1'' tall, with typical white hair, violet-black eyes, and ebony skin, and always dresses in black. He is 612 years old, but has the ageless appearance typical of the drow.

Clannair hides by day in a family tomb in the Lords' Tomb (Ch13 GoF), having found a tomb complex with secret passages behind secret doors which lead to the sewers. Clannair only works with the Shapechangers, although he has seen the graverobbers (see below) at work and is considering muscling in on their action. Clannair's half-crazy idea is to earn sufficient funds from his work in Greyhawk to muster a mercenary force to take on those who banished him, deep within the Deepearth.

AC -1 (elven chain + 2 and Dex 18): MV 12; F5/M8; hp 36; THAC0 16/14; # AT 1; Dmg 1d8 + 1 (long sword + 1) or 1d3 + special (hand crossbow Str 13, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 11; SA innate speUs. poisoned bolts (save vs. poison at -4 or fall asleep for ld6 turns SD innate spells. 66% magic resistance; AL NE.

Innate spell abilities (once per day each): dancing lights, darkness, detect magic, faerie fire, know alignment, levi tate.

Spells: 4 1st, 3 2nd, 3 3rd, and 2 4th.

Spells usually memorized: charm person, feather fall, magic missile (4 missles), protection from good, darkness 15' radius, stinking cloud, web, hold person, fly, slow, polymorph other ( x 2). Magical items: elven chain mail + 2, long sword + 1, wand of paralyzation, ring of invisibility, oil of slipperiness, and a scroll containing hold person and dimension door.


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