
Clusters represent collections of components grouped together and given a single price for your convenience. You can use them to quickly create a stronghold for use in your game.

Table 2–3: Sample Clusters

Cluster Name Cost Staff
Army base 24,000 gp Cooks (4), soldiers/guards (100)
Banquet hall 136,200 gp Cooks (10), servants (5)
Cavalry base 40,000 gp Cooks (4), grooms (16), soldiers/guards (100)
Guard tower 1,300 gp Guards (6)
Inn 13,050 gp Cooks (2), grooms (2), servants (2)
Inn, dockside 12,550 gp Cooks (2), groom, laborers (2), servants (2)
Prison complex 10,500 gp Cooks (4), guards (20), torturer (1)
Residential, basic 12,000 gp Cooks (2)
Residential, fancy 66,400 gp Cooks (2), servant
Residential, luxury 411,600 gp Cooks (6), servants (3), valets (16)
Temple 14,900 gp Acolyte
Wizard’s research 16,900 gp Alchemist, apprentice spellcaster

Army Base:

This allows you to quarter one hundred infantry. Up to forty can train in the drill yard at once, and up to sixty can take meals simultaneously in the mess hall. Note that the cost listed below does not include the soldiers’ equipment.

Components: Barracks (10), combat training area (5), guard post (2), basic armory (4), dining hall (2), basic kitchen (4), servants’ quarters; Size: 29 stronghold spaces; Cost: 24,000 gp.

Staff: Cooks (4), soldiers (100) Upkeep: 612 gp per month.

Banquet Hall:

This vast dining hall and kitchen complex feeds one hundred fifty people in a pleasant, richly appointed atmosphere.

Components: Fancy dining hall (5), fancy kitchen (5), servants’ quarters (3 Size: 18 stronghold spaces; Cost: 136,200 gp.

Staff: Cooks (10), servants (5) Upkeep: 75 gp per month.

Cavalry Base:

As Army Base, above, but it also includes stables for a one hundred-rider cavalry unit. Note that the cost listed below does not include the soldiers’ equipment.

Components: Barracks (10), combat training area (5), guard post (2), basic armory (4), dining hall (2), basic kitchen (4), servants’ quarters, basic table (16 Size: 45 stronghold spaces; Cost: 40,000 gp.

Staff: Cooks (4), grooms (16), soldiers (100) Upkeep: 684 gp per month.

Guard Tower:

This independent 30-foot tall tower of hewn stone comes complete with a guard post on top. Note that the cost listed below does not include the soldiers’ equipment.

Components: Guard post; Size: 0.5 stronghold spaces; Cost: 800 gp.

Staff: Guards (6) Upkeep: 36 gp per month.


This traveler’s inn has all you need to host up to twenty guests and a dozen mounts.

Components: Basic tavern, basic stables (2), basic bedrooms (10), fancy kitchen, servants’ quarters, basic storage; Size: 16 stronghold spaces; Cost: 13,050 gp.

Staff: Cooks (2), grooms (2), servants (2) Upkeep: 21 gp per month.

Inn, Dockside:

Much like the inn described above, except that this one swaps out one of its stables for a small dock to service its boating customers.

Components: Basic tavern, basic stable, basic dock, basic bedrooms (10), fancy kitchen, servants’ quarters, basic storage; Size: 16 stronghold spaces; Cost: 12,550 gp.

Staff: Cooks (2), groom, laborers (2), servants (2) Upkeep: 22.5 gp per month.

Prison Complex:

This prison holds up to sixty captives. The kitchen serves the needs of the guards required. Note that the cost listed below does not include the guards’ equipment.

Components: Prison cell (10), basic kitchen (2), barracks (2), guard post, servants’ quarters, torture chamber; Size: 13 stronghold spaces; Cost: 10,500 gp.

Staff: Cooks (4), guards (20), torturer (1) Upkeep: 141 gp per month.

Residential, Basic:

This cluster provides for all the needs of thirty people in comfort, if not luxury. This cluster assumes that residents sleep two to a bedroom, and that the two kitchen servants share a bedroom of their own.

Components: Basic bedroom (8), basic kitchen (2), basic dining hall, basic bath; Size: 11.5 stronghold spaces; Cost: 12,000 gp.

Staff: Cooks (2) Upkeep: 6 gp per month.

Residential, Fancy:

As above, but the bedrooms, dining hall, and bath have nice art, architectural details, and high-quality furnishings. This cluster holds thirty people comfortably; half get their own bedrooms and half sleep two to a room.

Components: Fancy bedrooms (10), fancy kitchen, fancy dining hall, fancy bath, servants’ quarters; Size: 15 stronghold spaces; Cost: 66,400 gp.

Staff: Cooks (2), servant; Upkeep: 9 gp per month.

Residential, Luxury:

As the fancy residential above, but thirty people live in the lap of opulent luxury.

Components: Luxury bedrooms (15), luxury dining hall, luxury kitchen, luxury bath, servants’ quarters (4 Size: 40 stronghold spaces; Cost: 411,600 gp.

Staff: Cooks (6), servants (3), valets (16) Upkeep: 123 gp per month.


This elegant area offers everything you need to add a bit of religion to your life.

Components: Fancy chapel, fancy library (includes books on religion, history, and nobility and royalty), fancy office, fancy storage; Size: 5 stronghold spaces; Cost: 14,900 gp.

Staff: Acolyte; Upkeep: 30 gp per month.

Wizard’s Research:

This well-appointed area has everything a wizard would want for arcane experiments and spell research.

Components: Fancy alchemical laboratory, fancy library (includes books on arcana, general knowledge, and the planes), fancy magic laboratory, fancy office, servants’ quarters; Size: 5 stronghold spaces; Cost: 16,900 gp.

Staff: Alchemist, apprentice spellcaster; Upkeep: 60 gp per month.

Articles under Clusters


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