Combat and Wounds

Most of the fighting rules needed for zero-level characters are covered under ability scores, class skills, and proficiencies. Zero-level characters always attack and make saving throws as zero-level fighters. The only exception for attacks is when a character has a flash of “insight” while attempting to use a weapon proficiency and attacks as a 12th level fighter. Fortunately, most enemies underestimate zero-level characters, giving them extra chances at heroism.

Zero-level characters often survive frightful wounds through sheer exuberance. When zero-level characters are reduced to zero or fewer hit points, they may stop losing hit points by spending an AP and then heal themselves at the rate of one hit point per hour. Each hit point healed costs one AF? Characters can only reach a maximum of one hp in this manner, and then normal healing occurs at the usual rate. Characters are maimed when reduced below -6 hp and die if they pass - 10. During the period that a character has negative hit points, he or she is comatose and should be treated as if under a clerical feign death spell. Most enemies will assume that they struck a mortal blow and abandon their victim. Particularly determined foes might check for signs of life, or imprison (or dismember) their victims just to be absolutely certain of the kill.


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