Commerce and Trade

Furyondy's natural resources include cloth, food, wines, fish, and a little gold from the mines of Carnalion. The country has virtually no great tracts of forest. The tiny Dapple Wood yields very little while the northernmost spur of the Gnarley Forest, north of the Velverdyva, is likewise quite small. Trade within Furyondy is not greatly developed. Most communities grow enough food to feed themselves and do not need to import more, save for cities where the goods of artisans are traded for the food the city needs. The market town of Pantarn is the major internal trade center for most of central Furyondy.

What is most important to the Kingdom is trading with other nations. Furyondy is a grain basket, a fertile land, and its grain, livestock and cloth are needed by many nations not so blessed. The trade route via the Highfolk to Perrenland is vital to both nations. This route supplies copper precious metals and luxury goods such as fine cheese. There is also a considerable trade with the Velunese, across the Velverdyva River. Trade from Willip and other southern cities to Dyvers, Greyhawk, and across the Nyr Dyv to Urnst, and with Verbobonc (and on to the Kron Hills) is also part of Furyondy's lifeblood. From these lands, Furyondy acquires wood (from the Vesve), metals, weaponry, mercenaries, worked goods, tools and the like. Since the wars, Furyondy’s exports have decreased, and these trade contacts have become even more important. The prices of goods within Furyondy exceed those given in the Player's Handbook by a base figure of 5% for everything except food and simple items of clothing. This is in addition to any adjustment the Dungeon Master uses in his campaign. In the northern provinces of Kalinstren and Crystalreach, this margin is +15%, and food and clothing are 5% more expensive than in the Player’s Handbook. Weapons and armor are 50% more expensive than Player's Handbook prices, since the armies of the land keep armorers busy around the clock.

Because times are hard in Furyondy, and the people are resourceful, the nature of trade is beginning to change. In the past, the natural fertility of the kingdom's land made its citizens a little lazy. Now, more honest Furyondians are becoming innovative, trying new approaches. A simple example can be found in the Gold County, where Countess Rhavelle has an small, expert team of rangers with animal husbandry proficiency who are breeding very fine warhorses. When the foals mature, she should be able to sell them for high prices in Veluna and Verbobonc. In the meanwhile, she has to fight off the King's attempts to extract a tithe of these fine animals. In some areas, less honest practices flourish. Weevil-ridden root crops may be sold, disguised beneath a covering layer of fine turnips, beets, or parsnips. An unscrupulous :farmer may not sell these damaged goods to anyone he knows, but strangers are considered fair game: Buyers of goods at markets need to look closely at what they are haggling over these days.


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