Construction Discounts from Spellcasting

Do-It-Yourself Spellcasting

The construction prices assume that when it’s cost-effective to do so, you’re hiring spellcasters to cast wall of stone, move earth, and other spells useful for stronghold construction. If you can cast those spells yourself or somehow entice a spellcaster to do so for free, you can earn a discount, as shown on Table 1–5: Construction Discounts from Spellcasting. Note that the discounts shown are cumulative. For instance, you could use move earth to prepare the site (–3% per space on ground floor), wood shape in all spaces with wood walls (–5% per space) and fabricate (–5%, 20%, or 50% per space) for a total discount of 13%, 28%, or 58% on all wood-walled stronghold spaces on your ground floor.

Spell (Caster Level) Use Discount Castings Required per Stronghold Space
Air walk, fly, or levitate Tall building and towers –25% of cost adjustment for height 2
Fabricate Furnishings –50% for luxury spaces
–20% for fancy spaces
–5% for other spaces
Move earth Site preparation
–3% per space on ground floor
moats for free
Stone shape Various stonework and masonry –5% per space with hewn stone walls 3
Telekinesis Tall building and towers –50% of cost adjustment for height 10
Wall of stone(9th-level) Stone walls and structural elements –15% on hewn stone walls 8
Wall of stone(12th-level) Stone walls and structural elements –50% on hewn stone walls 12
Wall of stone(16th-level) Stone walls and structural elements hewn stone walls for free 12
Wall of stone(20th-level) Stone walls and structural elements hewn stone walls for free 5
Wood shape Crude carpentry and woodworking –5% per space with wood walls 2

*One casting required per 750 sq. ft. of the moat, up to 10 ft. deep.

Wall Example:

Brightstone Keep Karlerren knows that hewn walls will be cheaper because of Brightstone Keep’s mountain location, where stone is plentiful. She need not craft the interior walls of hewn stone.

According to the wall section of Chapter 2, a 17-space stronghold has 40% interior walls and 60% exterior walls. Karlerren chooses wooden interior walls (no extra cost) and hewn stone exterior walls. Karlerren receives a 5% discount because Brightstone Keep is in mountainous terrain, and 50% discount because he can cast wall of stone. (Although 12 castings per stronghold space means he must cast the spell 130 times, which ties up all his 5th-level spell slots for 33 days.)

Hewn stone walls have a base price of 6,000 gp per stronghold space, or 2,700 gp after the 55% discount, multiplied by 17 for the size of the stronghold for 45,900 gp. Since Karlerren only wants exterior walls of hewn stone, she pays only 60% of that: 27,540 gp.


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