A contact is an NPC friendly to, or sympathetic toward, one of the PCs, someone to whom that PC frequently turns for aid, information, or companionship. Contacts occupy something of a gray area in the “scheme” of NPCs. Those who join with the group more properly qualify as cohorts (as per the Leadership feat those paid to assist are hirelings. An NPC who plays a major role in a story or adventure needs no mechanical system to defi ne her impact. The contact, then, is someone with whom the PCs deal frequently, and with whom they exchange favors and intelligence, but is not necessarily a vital part of what’s happening around the group.

While the line might seem fine, it is an important distinction to make. DMs should never feel obligated to make important NPCs—even frequent allies—into contacts. It would be silly for the DM to say, “Gee, Sergeant Rolstoff really admires the PCs, and he’s grateful that they saved his son’s life back when those hags tried to take over the gnome district, but nobody in the group has any slots left for contacts, so I guess he’s not going to help them.” In short, think of contacts as those allies whom the PCs make an effort to seek out, or those with whom they begin the game, rather than friends made through the standard course of events. Only if the PCs wish to gain more from an NPC than simple friendship should the DM consider treating him as a contact.


A contact’s behavior toward a PC falls somewhere between that of a cohort and a hireling. The contact won’t risk his life for the PC or accompany him on adventures, but he can provide information, infl uence other individuals or groups on the PC’s behalf, or make a skill check as long as doing so doesn’t cost money. (If money is involved with the check, the PC must pay the expenses.) In addition, a contact might occasionally waive his normal fee for a service performed for the character, but only rarely and at specific intervals.

Table 2–2: Sample City Contacts provides a few examples of contacts, the sorts of favors they might perform, and the intervals at which they might perform them. Sample contacts for specific types of organizations, guilds, and priesthoods, can be found in those appropriate sections.

At the DM’s discretion, a contact might expect the relationship to work both ways, occasionally coming to the PC for favors of a similar magnitude. This can be an excellent plot hook, or at least provide a small break from an ongoing adventure.


In an urban campaign, the DM might allow the PCs to begin with one contact each at character creation, unless the concept of the campaign indicates otherwise. Beyond these potential starting contacts, however, a PC wishing to gain a contact must fi rst fi nd and select an NPC. If this individual’s attitude toward the character is worse than helpful, the PC must adjust his attitude to helpful either with a successful Diplomacy check, or through roleplaying various favors done for the NPC. Once the NPC’s attitude is helpful, the player need only declare that he wishes to continue his character’s relationship with the NPC as a contact.

In most campaigns, a PC can have a number of contacts equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum 1). In particularly social or political campaigns, the DM might consider increasing this number by up to three. Additionally, a character who joins a guild, organization, or priesthood, or who gains the patronage of a noble house, gains one extra contact that does not count against his Charisma-based maximum. If a PC loses a contact—perhaps through the NPC’s death, or because the relationship deteriorated—the character does not automatically gain a replacement. Similarly, an increase in the character’s Charisma modifier does not automatically grant a new contact. The PC must seek out additional contacts, just as he did the original ones.

Table 2–2: Sample City Contacts

Contact Class Favor Frequency
Allastir Whitemane Cleric 8 Provide asylum for PCs sought by powerful enemies (including authorities) Once
Brodin the Spider Rogue 4 Provide a basic rundown on current happenings in the criminal underworld 1/month
Captain Urik Fighter 6 Help a PC out of minor (or major*) legal trouble 1/year (*once)
Dana’ael Wyrust Druid 6 Treat an injured, diseased, or poisoned character by magic or mundane means 1/three months
Lady Damelia Aristocrat 3 Offer access to high-society functions, balls, and gatherings 1/six months
Torbus Mountainheart Expert 7 Forge a tool or weapon of masterwork quality, at cost 1/year
Xanthes Navamir Wizard 5 Aid the PCs in researching a particular arcane or mythic subject (+2 bonus on PC’s Knowledge [arcana] or Knowledge [history] check), or cast identify on a magic item 1/month
Zirra Shalhab Expert 4 Appraise a nonmagical item 1/week


Table 2–3: Contacts by Social Class

Most individuals develop the majority of their contacts within their own social circles. Table 2–3: Contacts by Social Class presents a few sample contacts by social class.

Contact Class Favor Frequency
Lower Class
Beufric Rollast Expert 3 Provide a meal for up to four people 1/week
Janra the Lilac Rogue 5 Spy/provide information on a particular individual 1/month (lower-class target), 1/three months (middle-class target), once (upper-class target)
Sindos Silverback Bard 6 Arrange a performance to provide a distraction for the PC’s activities 1/two months
Middle Class
Anna Pimm Expert 4 Gather news and rumors on current events from the patrons of her tavern (+2 bonus on PC’s Gather Information or Knowledge [local] check) 1/week
Sergeant Oscar “Crook-nose” Warrior 6 Provide current information on city watch activities, or find out if a particular person has recently entered the city (only if individual is easily recognized) 1/two months
Turgin Wedlezan Fighter 8 Offer food and lodging for up to four people, for one week, at his inn 1/six months
Upper Class
Baron Hollifar Aristocrat 6 Provide funds or equipment suitable to an NPC 1 level lower than the PC’s level (maximum 6th), to aid the PC on a quest of some significance to the city; he will expect the equipment returned. 1/year
Lady Lirralaine Wizard 7 Cast identify on a magic item 1/month
Sir Quirrin of Kaddastrei Aristocrat 4/fighter 2 Provide details of what is happening at court, what laws are being considered, the current political state of the city, and so forth 1/three months


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