Corben DeBlare Underground Entertainer

Corben is 46 years old, 6'0" tall, and 180 lbs. Corben has sandy-colored hair that he wears long and which is now tinged with gray, and an enormous bushy beard. Corben was born in Schwartzenbruin in Perrenland, although his tanned skin is the result of many years weathering on the roads. Corben has always been a wanderer and frequently visits the Free City.

Corben wanders the lands that border the Nyr Dyv. Equally at home in the city or in the wilds, Corben prefers good wine and good company.

Corben has a strong dislike of the Greyhawk Guild of Performing Artistes, whom he regards as a bunch of pompous fools who pontificate over the performing arts. What he dislikes especially is their ruling that nobody except guildmembers may perform in public within the boundaries of the Free City. Corben believes in freedom to perform where and when he likes, and regularly taunts the Guild of Performing Artistes by holding illegal underground recitals in the back rooms of inns and taverns or at the houses of the rich who require something a bit more special for their parties. The guild is determined to put a stop to this and has had a warrant issued for his arrest on sight. This doesn't deter Corben, who finds the whole situation highly amusing and has discovered, with the help of friends in the Beggars ' Union, a number of ways of entering and moving about the city unseen.

Corben will most often be encountered either entering or leaving the city and may require the services of a PC party to distract the Watch or assist him in a like manner. Corben is an affable chap who is also a veritable treasure trove of information on neighboring lands. He has made many powerful and influential allies on his travels outside the city, and these contacts could prove useful to the PCs in the future. Naturally, any aid in irking the Guild of Performing Artistes would be gratefully accepted.

AC 0 (elven chain mail + 2 and Dex 17 MV 9; 89; hp 34; THAC0 16/14; #AT 1: Dmg 1d8 +4 broad sword +3; Str 16. Dex 17, Con 13, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 17; AL CG.

Spells (wizard): 3 1st, 3 2nd, and 2 3rd.

Spells usually memorized: charm person, detect magic, protection from evil, ESP, invisibility, mirror image, hold person, suggestion.

Magical items: elven chain mail + 2, broad sword + 3, ring of sustenance, cloak of elvenkind.


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