Corellon’s Arrows

Corellon’s Arrows are a group of six gray elves and half-elves, all of whom are dual-classed (two fighter/mages, a fighterlthief, a cleric/ ranger, a fighterlcleric, and a very unusual female druid/mage). They are all from Celene, and all bear a blue tattooed arrow on their foreheads. Each member has turned his or her back on Celene for its isolationism. They have no truck with the Knights of Luna, fearing that that group might try to topple the Queen whom they consider ill-served by her advisors.

Each member of this group (at least those able to use one) has a magical long bow, of various kinds, and all wear elven chain mail (except the druid), The group is not physically powerful, but each member has exceptional Intelligence or Wisdom. Corellon’s Arrows favor jobs that involve subtlety; tracking, ambushing, intrigues, spying, and suchlike. They do not come cheaply. They are typically of levels 3/3, 3/4 and 4/4, the druidlmage being the exception (7th-level mage, 8th- level druid she is the sister of the owner of the Star of Celene (G6), where the group can be contacted.


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