
This woodland village fills a natural clearing, comprising some 40 wooden cabins and huts inside a palisaded wall. A decanter of endless water here powers a mill and supplies fresh water to the population.

The community of 165 woodsmen is effectively ruled by Parsimmon Turmercan, a 13th-level Ranger Knight of the Gnarley whose brother dris owns the Gilded Acorn, an inn with good accommodation for up to a dozen folk, and superb food. The place is clearly affluent, strikingly so for a woodsman village. Of course, it‘s much more than that.

Corustaith is the place where rangers, woodsmen of renown, swanmays, and agents of good know how to meet discreetly and among good fellowship. Brownies prowl the fringes, so none approaches unknown. Likewise, an old mated pair of talking owls spies from the trees around the village. Those who come unbidden receive food and shelter, but are treated coolly unless they are acting in the service of good.

Corustaith includes a significant number of powerful NPCs; Cedris Turmercan is a 10th- level mage, and the village herbalist is a 9th-level druid priestess of Ehlonna.

All information about the Gnarley filters back to Corustaith sooner or later (usually sooner). Occasionally, a Knight of Luna or a Knight of the Hart may discreetly take a room at the Gilded Acorn, or an Archmage in disguise may come to talk in privacy with the wise and the good. The ordinary woodsmen of the village are glad of their protectors and fiercely loyal to them.


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