Count Kyrine Nauxanth, Ambassador of the Aerdi

Kyrine is the representative of the rump of Aer- di and of Ivid V. He is 5' 1 1 " in height and weighs 202 Ibs., with steely-grey hair and a lined face whose watery grey eyes reflect all of his 52 years. He has been extensively geased by Ivid's priests so as to be unable to say almost anything about Ivid’s court, and his sanity is doubtful. He is para- noid and megalomaniacal. He has been known to jerk into a stiff posture when Ivid’s name is uttered and salute frantically with a series of frenzied, strained movements that are very disconcerting to watch. Kyrine wears military uniform with a ludi- crous array of medals at all times (even in bed), and his epaulettes alone would weigh down most folk. No wonder his shoulders stoop at times. Kyrine is a 9th-level fighter of LE alignment (Str 18/42, Con 17, Int 14).

It is certain that this man is extensively magically controlled and monitored by Ivid and his prlcsts, and inside his home, all manner of strange magical devices relevant to this might be found (as the DM decides). Kyrine lives in a small, ramshackle house in Old City, north along Rats Road, which was derelict when he paid to have it restored to its current semi-habitable, damp- and mold-infested state. He refused point-blank to live in the ambassadorial complex close by the representatives of Nyrond, and found it almost impossible to rent or buy else- where. He constantly berates the Directors for not finding him more exalted housing.

Kyrine is utterly solitary, doesn’t drink (al- though he smokes truly evil sheroots), and brings a whole new dimension to the term “mi- sogynist.” He spends many hours drafting long letters to the I Directors that contain endless streams of invective against the ambassador from Nyrond.

Kyrine is almost a joke character on the sur- face, and it‘s up to the DM whether he stays this way. There is no reason why the man shouldn’t have a secret household of wily agents, even including a fiend or two, behind his half-mad facade. Aerdi's goal would certainly be thwarting Nyrond in this case.


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