Count Reichart Petrides Ambassador from the Duchy of Urnst

AC 4 (chain mail + 1 MV 12; F7; hp 40; THAC0 14; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d8 +3 (longsword +3): Str 18/17, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 14; AL LN.

Magical items: chain mail + 1, longsword + 3, ring of mind shielding, philters of glibness (several), amulet of proof against detection and location.

Petrides is 49 years old, 6'1" tall, 246 lbs., with light brown hair tapering to a widow's peak and hazel eyes. He has a long, ugly scar which runs from the inside of his left wrist around his arm to the elbow joint, the legacy of a wound sustained from an envenomed magical tiger's claw weapon used by an assassin of luz some years past. He conceals this reminder of his adventuring past, but is secretly proud of it. Petrides thinks he has grown too old for fighting, and now represents the interests of his homeland in Greyhawk. He lives in a grand house in the High Quarter location H1) where, to his annoyance, two City Watch constables are always on guard. Although he's not a habitual Liar, it's easy to see how his magical items come in very handy in his line of work.

Since the Duchy of Urnst is Greyhawk's closest neighbor, and trade is good in both directions, it is not surprising that Umst should have an ambassador here, and his presence does not compromise the neutrality of the Free City. Petrides is treated cordially by Gasgal, and also has helpful dealings with the administrators of the City Mint, so that Urnst coinage is freely accepted in Greyhawk. Petrides is currently pressuring Gasgal to fund an Urnst fleet to drive the northern pirate ships off the Nyr Dyv, unaware of Gasgal's existing aid to Furyondy. The Lord Mayor, of course, hems and haws and protests by citing Greyhawk's need for independence, which irks Petrides. The ambassador is currently quietly approaching other Oligarchs to get support for his point of view, which infuriates Nerof and makes his position on the ruling council even more difficult to maintain.


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