Criminal organizations are some of the urban jungle’s most common groups. Every group from the lowliest band of cutpurses to the city’s most powerful crime syndicate qualifies as an organization of this type. Criminal organizations clash with one another more often than with any other groups, and in the largest cities, the competition between such organizations can be literally cutthroat. Each criminal organization attracts members whose skills best suit the organization’s needs; a gang of drug peddlers might benefit from the skills of a bard, while a cult of slavers might look for fighters and rangers.

Examples: Crime families, hired muscle, specific gangs.

Associated Classes: Barbarian, bard, fighter, warrior, ranger, rogue.

Associated Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Move Silently, Open Lock, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Tumble.

Duties: All members must keep the nature, activities, and identities of their fellow members a secret. Those who sell out their own can expect to be expelled at the very least—most likely facedown into the harbor. Most members act as “employees” in the organizational hierarchy, not policy-setters, and must clear any criminal activity of significant scope with their superior in advance. Members must pay 20% of the profits garnered in any criminal endeavors to their superiors.

Favored Benefits: The organization covers bail money, legal fees, court costs, and bribes relating to the arrest or trial of its most valued members. Depending on their relationship with the organization’s superiors, members are expected to pay back 10% to 50% of all such costs incurred.

Sample Contact: “Alleycat Alice” (human bard 1/rogue 3). Alice will help a PC dispose of a body or otherwise clean up after an incident. Once every 3 months.


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