A cult is a small organization made up of followers associated with the same faith. Cults are smaller than other churches, with little (if any) political or social power. In most instances, cults are devoted to obscure, unpopular, or even illegal entities. The most common example is a cult devoted to a vile deity or an archfiend, but cults might also be dedicated to foreign gods, or even gods of goodness and light in an evil culture. Also uncommon but not unheard of in major cities are bands of nature-worshipers, many of which qualify as cults. Cults might not have any true temples, relying instead on tiny shrines or altars tucked away in otherwise secular structures. Many cults are secret organizations, and they look with suspicion on anyone who seeks them out.

Examples: Cult of Asmodeus, Cult of Tharizdun, druidic circle.

Associated Skills: Bluff, Knowledge (local), Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (arcana, or nature, or the planes, whichever is most appropriate), Spellcraft.

Duties: Congregants of a cult must spend at least 4 hours per week in worship and ceremonies. Formal members of the cult must spend at least 20 hours a week in service to it. A successful DC 20 Diplomacy check allows a PC to count time spent adventuring with his companions toward this requirement, if the adventure specifically advances the cause of the cult or if the PC is willing to tithe 10% of all treasure he finds to the cult.

Favored Benefits: Membership in this small, tightly knit group strengthens an individual’s faith and determination. When accompanied by at least one other member of the cult, or when within the cult’s shrines or holdings, a member receive a +1 bonus on Will saves made against spells cast by anyone not part of the cult.

Sample Contact: Jaraddis Jass (favored soul 9). Jaraddis will provide an outsider, by means of lesser planar ally, to aid the party (the PCs must pay half the fee demanded by the outsider). Once only.


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