Cumasti Elves Ethnicity in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Cumasti Elves

Elves The Cumasti elves and the Westryn Elves comprise Blackmoor’s elven population. Once a single elven culture, an alliance with humans resulted in a betrayal and curse that caused an irreparable divide between the elves of eastern and western Blackmoor. Numerous efforts have been made to restore the culture to a single elven race, but to no avail. Blackmoor’s elves are as diverse and changing as the many tribes of man. Due to their low birth rates and the loss of much of their ancestral lands to humans, orcs, and other humanoids, elves are beginning to die out. They have begun looking into magical avenues to extend their race’s longevity and to help slow their attrition rate. Cumasti Elves The Cumasti elves have a long and rich history. Their race dates back to prehistory as one of the fi rst good races to walk the world. They possess an inspirational ability to perform great works of magic, art, and music. Until modern humans came to the world, elves ruled the lush forests and plains. The elves aided men in establishing themselves as a good race but the humans ultimately betrayed them. The betrayal of the Cumasti split their society into two opposing factions. Cumasti loyalists sought to mend the wounds left by the human betrayal, believing that humans choose their paths as individuals, not as a collective race. The other elves, later to be called the Westryn elves, retreated from the world, scarred by the human betrayal and vowing never to trust any other race again. Personality: Cumasti are intelligent and willing to experience life in all its facets. They follow the traditions laid down for them so many centuries ago by the fi rst elves to walk the world. They love nature and all that it offers. Cumasti are trusting and friendly, living to experience the diversity of the peoples with whom they share. They hold no hatred for any good race, though they fi nd dwarves too dirty and crass for their refi ned sensibilities. They view each person as an individual whose deeds are weighed on a scale larger than the elf’s ability to judge. Physical Description: Cumasti elves are short and slender. They stand between 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 feet tall and weigh between 80 and 130 pounds. Cumasti men are typically heavier and taller than Cumasti women. Cumasti have light-colored hair, ranging from honey to ash blonde, and have eyes of rich green, deep blue, or soft brown. Other races view Cumasti as nearly ethereal — hauntingly beautiful and graceful. Cumasti skin tones are light, even after hours in the sun. Cumasti reach maturity at 100 years old and live for over 800 years. All other physical attributes of the Cumasti mirror the PHB elf racial entry (see the PHB, Chapter 2: Races, “Elves”). Alignment: Cumasti revel in the freedom of nature and indulge in the heady wine of life. They are neutral toward the struggle between law and chaos, with a good aligned outlook toward those around them. Elven Lands of the East: Most Cumasti live in the Forest Kingdoms of the East. These lands are made up of the Elven Forest and three smaller forests. The four Forest Kingdoms of the East are Redwood Court (located in the Red Woods, with its capital city of Ringlo Hall), Potter’s Down (found in Potter’s Forest, south of Dirk’s Cove), the Noris Kingdom (located in the Noris Wood, south of the Root River and north of the Crystal Peaks), and the Wurmthrone (found in the Wurmwood, west of the Black Hills and south of the Regent of the Mines)
Elves of the Sylvan ilk dress similar to Suloise, except their colors are pale tints of green, fawn, ecru, and dove gray. High elves are similar in mode of apparel, but they add blues, lilacs, and purples to the more natural forest hues of their woodland kin. Hunting and war garments are brown, russet, or tan. Gray elves wear very complex and flowing garb of pure white, sun yellow, silver and gold lame' set off by polished leather of contrasting colors and highlighted by jewels. All elvenkind wear cloaks, especially when traveling. These garments are neutral gray or gray-green.
Religion: Cumasti worship the goddess Ordana, patron of elves and all sylvan creatures. They also worship the Six Elemental Lords and Faunus, the King of the Divine Forest. Because of their close ties to nature, it is not uncommon for Cumasti clergy in some remote villages to be druids. Languages: Cumasti speak their own derivative of the Elven root language; the Cumasti tongue was formed after the separation from their Westryn kin. This Elven dialect promotes the use of positive phrases and ideologies, having over thirty words to denote love and only three to portray hatred. The Cumasti’s written form uses the same root alphabet as base Elven. If a character can speak Elven, he is able to understand nearly 80% of spoken or written Cumasti, and vice versa
Male Names: Baetho, Dundin, Elvan, Giiran, Hathrik, Kyvaryn, Maiele, Mede, Mithgilivyr, Mylaleth, Nyrndyr, Rhylirin, Rundusk, Seneralos, Soddil, Strast, Tothraern, Uhlmar, Uvynglos, Zanyll. Female Names: Claen, Elune, Fhaeress, Geladyl, Ghilula, Holaline, Hylone, Ista, Itaarel, Itera, Jhiilira, Liathloen, Luoranyl, Mallune, Milshera, Nadynilue, Polinyra, Throrthryra, Tinnaryll, Yrnyriah. Family Names: Artulvar, Asanthen, Coselë, Dirimë, Eäbin, Edath, Gladair, Ibar, Mairlis, Narth, Pyltari, Salë, Sethila, Shubail, Smemynë, Soavedin, Soavel, Teveld, Thobin, Usern. Adventurers: Cumasti are born to be explorers. They leave home on personal quests in search of the strangest objects and treasures. These quests can be as ambitious as discovering a lost elven artifact, as mundane as visiting strange foreign cities, or as unusual as fi nding one of the fabled orange phantom fungi of the Wood of the Revenant. Cumasti adventurers generally work well in mixed-race groups but enjoy antagonizing dwarves for their supposedly unrefi ned manners. They openly distrust half-orcs.


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