Damage to Occupants of Buildings and War Machines

War machines can score hits against other war machines, and against both stone and wooden building features of any type (as long as the feature is large enough to be an eligible target). War machines can also be damaged by individual figures and units.

A structure is destroyed when it has suffered all of its hits in damage. Figures inside the structure are in danger of being killed in the collapse. The attacker rolls a d6 for each figure and totals the number of hits scored; then the defender removes the appropriate number of figures from the battlefield. No armor checks are allowed to cancel any of these hits.

The crew of an artillery weapon does not suffer damage when the weapon is destroyed, since those figures are not in an enclosed area. Figures that are operating a crushing engine may be killed when the protective structure around the device is destroyed. (The ram or bore itself is still usable, as long as a sufficient number of figures survive or more figures can be moved up to take the places of the victims.)

A siege tower is a special case because of its height and massiveness. Instead of a d6, the attacker rolls a d8 for each figure inside a siege tower when the structure is brought down.


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