Dark Night

Both moons of Oerth are new on the night of Goodmonth 11th (always a Godsday), which earns this evening various titles such as the Dark Night, Black Night, or Star Night. More stars can be seen on this one evening than on any other night of the year. This is, of course, a holy night for followers of Celestian, with long astrological ceremonies, learned speeches, and debates around the Grey College Observatory’s grounds. Happily, lycanthrope activity is at its lowest for the year on this night.

However, this pleasant regard for the evening is not shared by most other people, who are uneasy at the absence of the moons and take it as a bad omen. All-night bonfires are commonly maintained by peasant farmers and herders, particularly in the towns of Elmshire and Narwell and in small villages across the Domain of Greyhawk. In addition, some humanoid religions see this night as perfect for raiding local civilized settlements, leading to heightened military alerts. Criminal activity increases as well; several gods who oversee theft and other underhanded deeds take this night as holy as well, but require their followers to undertake special missions this evening to prove their skill and cleverness. Finally, certain evil cults hold this night as very unholy and perform kidnappings, murders, and vile rites at this time.

From Adventure Begins


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