The 6,200 people of this town are ruled by Grenell himself, since he holds the lands around. An important trade town, Darnagal links Delaric and points east with Edge Field along the great dirawaen road. Darnagal is a rather dour place, with high rulership. And as a place to visit or pass through, it doesn't rate as highly as King's Justice (see below). However, Darnagal has a traditionally-strong Thieves' Guild with a strongly Lawful Evil bent. Thieves seeking truly expert training and the best in specialist supplies often head here. Fees are steep, and Darnagal thieves enforce their own justice against freelancers trying to practice their skills here. The infamous thief Goldwhite of Rel Deven is said to have been trained here, and that is a good enough commenda tion for most practicing light-fingered arts to tarry here.