Attributes: ................Intellect & Wisdom
Level: .........................DF 4; BCS 30%; 600 Exp
Resisted: ..................Debate PSF%
Debate is the art of prosecuting an opinion by marshalling a chain of logical arguments to support your point. Whereas Oratory is an appeal to emotions, Debate is an appeal to reason and an attempt to genuinely change the minds of the listeners. It cannot sway crowds as much as oratory, but its effects last longer. The radius of effect is 20 feet x PSF%/10 and the number of people influenced is 20 x PSF%
If the character possesses Bargaining, Diplomacy & Politics or Leadership a successful Debate skill roll gives a bonus of +1% x Crit Die to these skills. If the roll is a Critical Success the bonus increases to 20 + 1% x Crit Die. If a Critical Failure subtract a penalty of -10% and additional - 1% x Crit Die.