
Artur Jakartai has strengthened this once lazy province. The new count and his advisers have shown good judgement in working with Kalinstren to forge the Flare Line. Likewise, Jakartai has strengthened the river defenses along the Veng, with militia bases along the riverside to support the small, heavily armed cogs which travel with essential convoys of supplies and goods from Willip northwards. Many of these militia bases are strongly fortified and camouflaged. Fine bowmen form a greater percentage of these militia units than elsewhere. Their role is to keep enemies from across the river at bay. There has been less repair work to do here than in Kalinstren, so the Flare Line is more complete. This is also due to the efforts of Jakartai’s dwarven engineer, Curtlem the Calloused, the proud bearer of a spade of colossal excavation which has had a great effect on earthwork construction.

At Belvor’s request, Jakartai does not mount raids into the northern territory unless there are reliable reports of a significant warband gathering there. This has only happened twice since the end of the war. Once, the band had dispersed before Jakartai’s men reached the area. On the other occasion, a band of 40 heavy cavalry, 40 light cavalry and a handful of spellcasters lost six men, slain while wiping out nearly four hundred goblinoids. That has inspired confidence in their new ruler among the soldiers!

Jakartai inspires something akin to awe among the common people and soldiers. He is a towering figure, almost seven feet tall. He rides a monstrous, barded stallion, bearing a magical battle standard whose effects have been experienced in the heat of combat by many troops. He raises a cheer wherever he goes.

Morale is better in Crystalreach than in Kalinstren, and people do not fear the terrors of Iuz so much, though they are certainly not complacent. Jakartai has also tried to place the burden of extra revenues on the richer folk, so that while taxes are high, tithes have not increased so greatly. Common folk appreciate this and believe their new lord is a definite change for the better.


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